Friday, September 21, 2012

One Week Old!

It's been a busy day to be a baby today.  Lucy's had a bath (her third, I suppose, but the first one I was there for), lost her umbillical cord stump, been too fussy to have her picture taken, been to campus to be cooed over by her father's colleagues, and then been perfectly content to be cute and have her picture taken.  I'll post some of those soon; right now my camera battery is as in need of recharging as is my daughter.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lucy Johanna Moore Hall

. . . was born at 6:31 Friday morning, September 14, 2012.  She's 20 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces.  My water broke at 12:30 or so, just before bed, and six hours (and one false alarm, one epidural, and 28 minutes of pushing (!)) later, I heard this crying sound!  We're both doing pretty well: came home yesterday (Sunday), she's a champion nurser (so far), and my mom and dad are here from Cincinnati to help out.  Since I'm not great at typing left handed, here are a bunch of pictures instead of any more words, for the present:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

. . .

Still pregnant, just fyi.  Going shopping for a washer and dryer today, maybe?  The due date is Tuesday, so if she doesn't make her appearance this week, we're looking at inducing next weekend.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Well, here we are in September, and still no baby yet.  It's heartening to think that, one way or another, this is the month in which she'll be born.  And who knows, I could still go into labor later today and my dad could have a birthday buddy (Happy Birthday, Dad!).  In the meantime, we've met with and really liked a pediatrician and gotten the room pretty much set up, although we're still waiting for the plumber to finish up before we go get a washer and dryer and get most of the clothes and linens laundered.

These photos are a little dark, but can you spot the cat's new favorite napping spot?  Here's a close-up:

Oh, Speedy, I don't think you'll like it there so much once this room and that changing pad are put to their intended uses!  Or maybe he will, I don't know.  I'm just glad he decided this was his spot, rather than the crib, which would of course be a big "No!" that he wouldn't really understand.

Oh, and can you make out the new purple-ness of the rocker in the corner?  I was hunting around for fabric we already had to slipcover it, and thought the purple of my old sheets would work well, so I just draped the fitted sheet over those pink faux-velvet cushions to see how it would look.  Then I started thinking, and 5 minutes of tucking and pulling later, and I had the laziest, no-sew slipcover ever.  And hey, it'll be easy to remove for washing!